
Sunset on Pensacola Beach

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Busy, busy, busy....

I have been back from my Indiana trip for a week and so much has happened.  We went to two festivals - one was the Taste of Pensacola.   Lots of fantastic seafood and craft booths.  We appreciate good crafts because we were into craft shows for approximately 10 years.  These were great booths of woodworking and art.  Mater of fact, I purchased a beautiful oak chest to use for the recyclables.   The tapestry on the top is so pretty.
The zoo has welcomed two new members!  Two beautiful white rhinos.  Now, they are not white - confusing - put they are wonderful.   I just love the zoo.

White Rhinos eating their breakfast.
Tonight we ran over to Flounders for a sandwhich.   Too much food!  But I love their 18 cents chowder.
You can't beat the price....or the taste.

After dinner we took a drive down to Fort Pickens to see the sunset.  The clouds got in the way but how fun it was to see two young musicians being recorded to put their music on YouTube.  They were great.   I was just in the right place at the right time to enjoy their music.
Two talented young ladies.  Good luck!
Tomorrow is the last day of September.  October is busy and lots of fun coming up.  Ron will be here from the 5-15,   Sandy and Tammy from the 19th - 21st,  and Betty and Kirk from the 27-31.  The time is going to fly. 
Now I understand why retired people say "How did I ever have time to work?"

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