Most important, Mom is through with the pneumonia. She looks great, doesn't she?
Our company was friends from Monticello - Mitch -13, Nic - 14, and Craig - Dad. We had a great time doing everything. Here they are on Nicole and Lamont's paddles boards. They looked like they knew what they were doing..
Nic playing Wii.
Mitch eating again.
First time Dave was in the new pool. He likes it - of course.
4th of July BBQ chicken. It turned out great with my homemade BBQ sauce (pineapple is one ingredient.)
Guys in the pool while Dad cooks. Lamont came over for the 4th to eat with us and we sure did enjoy his company. His family is in Utah visiting relatives.
Pool with the blue lights at night and then the light green. Someone swimming under the water.
OK!!! Now for the surprise! Craig, Mitch, Nic, Dave and I went deep sea fishing on Tuesday. It was a beautiful day - very hot - and we had a blast. The captain took us over 20 miles out into the Gulf of Mexico and we were fishing over 200 feet deep.
Sunrise at the marina. We were there by 5:45 am.
Our boat was the Vitamin Sea. Only 5 of us fishing.
Guys carrying supplies to boat - that means food.
Our Captain. He was a quiet guy.
Mitch, Nic, and Dave ready to fish.
Nic and Craig working on a catch.
We caught lots of reds - good sized ones - and had to through them back because it is such a short time allowed to catch those. If we could of kept them, WOW.
Reel faster, reel faster, MY WRIST IS FALLING OFF!
Craig says I have something big and yes he did!
Craig ended up catching 2 sharks during the trip.
Some of our catch.
Here we are smelly from handling squid all day, hot, sunburned but happy after 8 hours on the water.
More catch.
Lamont took everyone paddle boarding. They loved it!
I have at least 100 other pictures from the week. Can't use them all though. It was a great week, great friends, and great food. Happy Fourth of July to the USA!
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